Everybody knows college tuition is expensive right? But are the loan companies and the government to blame? Instead of complaining about the loan companies and whether the government should cancel out loans maybe we should start with schools like our own Ohio State University who paid out $58 Million in bonuses to 98 employees. Maybe we should look at the $200 million the athletic department brought in last year in addition to their $200 million in expenses.

It is easy to point the finger at everybody but why is nobody talking about why on earth 98 employees for a state school should get $58 million in bonuses when that money could go to lowering tuition for all of the students. To put it into perspective, the $58 million in bonuses would pay for over 2000 OSU student’s $26,000 tuition plus room & board for 2018.
The $200 million in revenue for the OSU athletic department could go a long way to help lower tuition as well couldn’t it? I am not naive, I love OSU football. But every one of us needs to ask the question if a national championship program is worth our children and ourselves being over $100,000 in school loan debt. Hell, that will be close to $200,000 by the time my 5 year-old daughter is in college. That is like buying a new flat screen tv and then not being able to afford to fix the roof or pay your electric bill.

All of this is symptomatic of a bigger problem…the uber wealthy in this country are taking everything for themselves and protecting that advantage by making it easier for their children and at the same time making it harder for the people who need help the most. Just look to the USC cheating scandal and politicians doing favors for their wealthy donor’s kids.

We gotta look in the mirror as a country and ask ourselves why we are letting the wealthy in this country make money off the backs of the people who haven’t even gotten started in life yet? Why aren’t every one of us demanding our state and federal representatives look into this and put a cap on state schools salaries or perhaps something along those lines.

Tough subject to tackle but who else than America’s Counselor to be the one who takes it head on. Joining me in the studio as always is the Armchair QB himself Bill Reed as well as our special guests Murph “The Magic Tone” and Stelz.

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