I must admit, President Trump’s Make America Great Again motto is perhaps one of the greatest campaign mottoes of all time. But something about the motto has been bugging me lately. I keep asking myself, how can we Make America Great Again when one half of the country hates the other and wants them to leave? How do you reform healthcare when half the country doesn’t care if someone doesn’t have insurance? How do you reform education when half the country feels they have no responsibility to education poor people? Hell, how do you make the economy better when half of the country thinks if you are poor its your own damn fault? The easy answer is that you can’t! As of right now even if one political party came up with the most perfect healthcare solution, the other party wouldn’t vote for it just out of spite and not wanting to give them a victory.

To truly Make America Great Again we have to Make America Great Again and we do that by electing candidates who realize that having a different opinion about the direction of our country doesn’t mean you have to hate the other side. We need candidates that that for once listen to their constituents and make politics more local and less about divisive national issues.

Little by little we are seeing a new breed of candidates who are tired of our elected officials serving themselves and their donors and deciding that the way to invoke change is to do it themselves. That is why I was excited when I heard the news that our good friend Christopher Schulte decided enough is enough and announced his candidacy for the 4th district of North Carolina. Even more lucky is that I pulled my friend card to get his 1st interview!

So join us as we introduce Christopher Schulte to America and have the conversation that our politicians should be having, why he is running for congress, and making politics more local. You can get more information about his candidacy by visiting his website at https://www.votechristopherschulte.com/.

Instead of being part of the problem and spreading fake news, tune in to the one place you know isn’t fake….Gray Matters Radio! As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

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