So what happened when America’s Counselor sat down with an ANTIFA member and tried to get them to find common ground? He realized that despite his best efforts, the far left and far right have...

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Another week brings another blistering WTF segment from America’s Counselor. What is chaffing Mike’s ass this week? The Thursday night football game last week where we saw Myles Garrett get suspended for helping Mason Rudolph...

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When was the last time you went to CVS and thought twice about the quality of medicine you were getting? You don’t and that is exactly how it should be! In the new era of...

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What is the cure for curing the cancer that is tearing our country apart? How about as parents we start by making our kids put away the electronics, make real in-person friends, and get the...

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Do you have those friends where you kind of knew their marriage was in rough shape, but they were always good at hiding their fights from everybody? But then the unthinkable happened & they start...

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